Friday, April 8, 2011

The Debacle of Pia

WOW............. Did anyone see this coming? I didn't! It's typical... As soon as I start publicly blogging about my love for Pia, she gets the boot.

Unbelievable! Is the show rigged? Is Tom Donaghy now shaving off votes instead of points??
( )
I'll tell you, it's much harder to write a blog when America has literally just taken a dump on you. But I'll try...
    So Seacrest comes out, minimal spikeage on the front, side partage to the left. In the opening song, James' voice like earthquake,  Stefano like puppy. It was cool when they were all singing Sweet Home alabama and came together, and then split off with the ladies on the main stage and guys on the judges stage. Good buncha kids. But for one of them, the journey ends tonight!
    In the whole Russell Brand schtick, Brand's answer of "Crack" to Pauls question of what he should do to be crazy on stage was hilarious! And Haley's laugh throughout it is a pretty funny too. Brand also used the word trousers for pants, which was awesome. I love the word trousers!
    And now, we started breaking off in 3's...
    Casey wanted to keep his thoughts about Kelly Clarkson to himself... That's good Casey, less talk more work. And no rat's nest tonight for Lauren, her hair looked so pretty! And she had really cool earrings too! Pia should borrow them to wear with her long neck necklace for when she performs next week ...........................................................................              Stefano was a sure bottom 3, so no surprise there.
    Next, greek God Constantine Maroulis performed... Where did his soul patch go? I remember on season 4 he'd look into the camera really closely, with his soul patch, and you could catch a glimpse of his lunch from earlier in the day camping out in his soul patch...  Always nice to see Gwen Stefani! She is incredible. Thought it was cool she hooked the girls up with the boutique clothing. They all looked good. And then, we were on to the next threesome.
    It's so tough to type this with all of these tears pouring down my face! My Pia! Haha, but really though, I am pretty bummed out. But I should've known! I was just talking with my Mama about Pia and she told me she really wasn't nuts about her and didn't agree with me on what I wrote about her in the blog..I thought, Mother, nonsense! Always hating... But it turns out, I should've listened.... Mom always knows best! Anyways, Pia looked very exotic in black and it is the last time I'll see her on the Idol stage. I wish her the best in life and am certain she will have a great career in music, and possibly an even better one now that she is notorious for the Shocking Boot! Poor Pia.
    TMZ thing: So, Jacob has the hots for Harvey, the lawyer guy who always has that stupid water bottle in his hand! Why does he always have that?! Is there vodka in it?

He just looks ridiculous always holding it. And did you hear? Lil Jon is taking his place for TMZ....... "Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK!!!!!!!!"
Haley is much more attractive now that she is singing well and not getting bottom 3'd every week. She looks good! James' hair was much better tonight. I guess I got a little carried away yesterday in my rants about his and Lauren's hair. And the last of the threesome, Church!.... Well.... I don't want to be bragadocious but, I believe I called it that Jacob would be in the bottom 3! And he was, so I'm glad to be on the same page as America with Jacob safe... but not the case with my Bella Pia....
    Iggy Pop was a very interesting cat up there. With the thin long blonde hair, skin tight jeans, sucked in face, he was quite entertaining/borderline repulsive.

    Bottom 3: Pia, Jacob, Stefano. We all thought it would be Stefano, no question. But I'm sure you have figured out that it was Pia. Well........ my credibility is shot! I believe in previous blogs, I've reffered to Pia as the best in the competition.... Show's what the hell I know!
    I'm pretty bummed out got sent home. Actually, very bummed out. But I'm impressed with how she kept her composure almost the whole time until after she was done singing when she let the tears loose. She acted pretty mature and kept herself in check, for how startled she was. Her getting the boot certainly made people mad! The dog was angry and ready to bite, we caught a glimpse J Lo's spicy Puerto Rican side, and it bothered cool Steven too.
    The first guitar strum before Pia sang for the last time was completely off key... very fitting for her situation. She obviously didn't sing well because her heart was broken (so was mine). I feel partly responsible.......
     Recently, after years of wanting nothing to do with Facebook, my Dad and his co-workers succumbed. Their reason being? To be able to vote for American Idol on the computer, rather than having to vote by phone.... Knowing this and as much as I love this show, I never voted! Dissappointing to me to know that I could've possibly made a difference. But in Pia's defense, it's not because America disliked her and that's why they didn't vote for her. It was because she was so talented and such a contender, that people assumed she was going to be getting tons of votes no matter what, so they spent their votes on others who they wanted to stick around, assuming Pia was a sure thing.... Turns out, she wasn't.

    Very sad Pia is gone, but moving on. My peach Lauren is still killing it. And Haley is coming up in the game. Then we have a clump of dudes in the middle. Lastly, Stefano, Paul, Casey and now Jacob are the bottom 4, in my opinion.
    And the moral of this story? Always listen to your mother.

Samitz.............. OUT

1 comment:

  1. What Sucks the most about Pia knowing that the judges WASTED!! their save on the Fraggle Rock dude. Yeah...he sees fraggles..but he wasn't worth the save! Uhg..AMERICA!! You are just never allowed to vote for anything ever again. Presidents and other government officials will now be decided by strategic games of "Rock, Paper, Scissors"
